Thursday, June 21, 2012

One Week To Go

    Seven long days, 8,800 miles, and about 18 hours worth of trying to sit still in my plane seat are all that is separating me from my own personal paradise. One week from now I will be sitting in the volunteer house with a highly anticipated cup of chai and I simply could not be more excited.

    In the last two months I was so lucky to be able to receive so many donations. I have packed two bags absolutely full with the things that you all have given me. I mentioned in my previous post that I wanted to provide the orphanage with some first-aid supplies, I asked for donations and you all came through brilliantly. Faraja should have enough band-aids to outlast the zombie apocalypse and then some. I have also packed a few clothes, as well as blankets and some school supplies for the children to use.

    Cash donations from friends and family have been generous and I am lucky to know people with such giving hearts, so far I have collected just over $1,000 to give to Moraa upon my return to Faraja Children's Home. Cash donations can be used for so many important things once Moraa is able to asses the immediate needs of the home.

    So, I digress, one week till I am back in Kenya. I am excited, and somehow so much more nervous that I was with my first visit. In some ways, knowing what to expect makes me more anxious. Will Faraja have the same children? Will they remember me? Will Ngong be just like I left it? Am I packing enough shorts... and what about enough long sleeve shirts? Knowing that the children's home has moved locations adds a whole new set of confusion, a new Faraja to get used to will be odd. Ultimately though it the kind of anxious I wouldn't trade for the world.

    In the next two months I hope to focus a lot less on anything happening on the western hemisphere and live my time in Africa to the fullest. I have been saying for years that I wished I was more outgoing when meeting new people and more social; I can't imagine a better time than now. I hope to challenge myself in being better company and enjoying a culture that is not at all my own, and Lord knows there is not a group of people I could be more fortunate to spend my time with.

I imagine my next post will be from a cyber somewhere in the suburbs of Nairobi, so until then I want to give one more big Thank You! to everyone who donated to Faraja, I ensure that your contribution will be very much appreciate by Moraa and her kids.

Asante sana!!