Monday, April 14, 2014

As soon as I stepped out of the new arrivals gate at JKIA and saw my Kenyan Family standing there waiting for me I felt like I had never left. Less than an hour after my plane landed I was in a pimped out matatu speeding towards home. After 24 hours of travel I was exhausted, but my face still hurt from smiling. Waking up the day after landing and walking around is such a great feeling. Friendly faces everywhere asking me where I’d been and explaining that it was nice to have me back, this town certainly knows how to make me feel loved. 

I have not done anything really spectacular yet, but I figured an update on daily life was needed. My apartment is good (still standing), in fact since we bought a new couch set, it’s much improved. Sedona is working on a mural in my bedroom and I’ll post pics as soon as my favorite artist is finished. For all the cat lovers wondering about Nala, he is purrfect. He still gives the best kitty hugs and acts like the baby of the house, although he is getting more adventurous about trying to jump out of open windows. Sedona, Tom, and Zach have moved into the apartment below ours and I am beyond grateful to have them so close by. Benjamin is doing well, and had a kitchen full of my favorite Kenyan treats upon my arrival (thanks!!) and he will be here with us until June. I finally met Baby Jayden when I visited Sam & Nancy the day after I arrived and while I had a lot of frustration with that baby I think we’ve finally hashed things out, he is a great addition to The Family.

Construction at the LPK Daycare Center is coming along swiftly. When I landed the foundation was the only thing complete and as of today we have a whole roof! You can see the construction progress on our website! We are quite grateful to have contributed to this project and can’t wait until every last nail has been hammered into place!

The Ahadi boys are getting on brilliantly. A separate sponsor has recently started renting a small compound for the boys and Joseph to live in. This way they are no longer living on the streets, or even in the slum at all. The boys who live at the center and come to class on a daily basis have really changed. Every time I see them I am amazed. Could these really be the boys that I knew a year ago? Larry, who I saw on a daily basis collecting garbage and so high he was stumbling, is now one of our happiest and most eager to learn students. The transformation in the group has truly been one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. Within the next month we are hoping to help many of the boys return to school and continue with their proper education.

The Faraja Crew is doing well. It is one of my biggest pleasures to see the babies I met so long ago grow into such brilliant little people. Kefa was the first Kenyan child I ever met and at the time he was the baby of Faraja. Looking at him now as he cares for all of his siblings (young and old) I am so proud of the boy he is growing up to be. He has always been so clever and his wit shows no signs of slowing down. Ten year olds that I met four years ago have suddenly blossomed into young adults attending far away boarding schools, and I feel like I might understand what parents go through when their kids leave the nest.

This week (and next) we have a Skate Trip to Nairobi planned for the Ahadi Boys and a trip to Longonot to check on the school as well. I also have a personal project I am really hoping to start within the next month and I’m hoping I can get it up and going quickly! Thank you for following along in my adventures!!

Feel free to write me, I make a great penpal!

Portia Duke
PO Box 1069-00208
Ngong Hills, Kenya