Saturday, June 8, 2013


     Meet Samson Wanjohi. He is one of the youngest street boys I have been working with for the last month and recently he had a pretty major request. After examining the situation with Joseph and talking to Samson about the implications and expectations of his request we have come to a conclusion... Samson is going back to school!
     Samson is fourteen years old and has been on the streets for some time now. Samson was the youngest child born into a family living in poverty, with little hope of support from his parents. Thankfully, he was able to enroll into school in Class One and held onto his one uniform as his most dear possession until it was torn to shreds and entirely out grown four years later. Without a proper school uniform Samson was forced to drop out in Class Four and without food or clothing at home he turned to the streets to beg. 
     Today Samson explained to me that he desires to return to school to study so that he can escape the slum life he has known since he was born. He also said that he would like to continue his schooling until he is able to obtain a proper job in order to help his mum financially. At this point in his life Samson desires to be a pilot, and says that he knows he will have to work hard in mathematics and English to help make this dream a reality.
     Being one of the youngest boys at the center I feel confident that he will adjust well to the changes he is about to take on. We talked seriously with Samson and explained that he will be expected to be in school daily and that we will be monitoring him carefully during the adjustment period. He told me, "You are so welcome to visit me, and to see my work, please come everyday." I was encouraged by his positive attitude and I am looking forward to seeing where he goes from here.

     On Monday our hopes are that we will be able to help Samson find a uniform and pay for his exam/activity fees for this term. We are also hoping to find a safe place for Samson to take lunch each day so that he is not going hungry in his nearly nine hour school day.

    If you are interested in donating to help with Samson's uniform, textbooks, lunch, or school fees please let me know, or donate directly at:

Also, if anyone is interested in sending letters/cards to The Boys please feel free to send them to my PO Box with a note on the envelope and I will be sure they get to the center and you get a response! The boys would really love it!

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