Saturday, April 27, 2013

Blogging on the roof

It is currently 5:10pm on Saturday and I am sitting on the roof top of my apartments. To say that my day has been lazy would be a giant understatement. It’s one of those days where you keep the curtains drawn and PJs on all day (even now) and if you do anything watching a movie is about the extent of it.

However, those of you who know me know that I can only have so much of a lazy day before I get antsy and have to change the scenery… so to the roof I came. This is only the second time I’ve been up here, but I can already see that it’s going to be a regular hangout for the next few months. It’s such a good spot to relax with a cup of tea and a good book. You can see most of the town and as I am typing this I can see the Faraja kids walking home for the evening (they got a big kick out of seeing me on the roof). The weather right now is absolutely beautiful; I am hoping that rainy season is finally passing as well.

Webcam snap shots of the view

I really don’t have a ton to say in this blog post, it seems to get harder to write these things after a while. I know living in Kenya seems so exciting to most people, but I reiterate for me it is simply daily life at this point. However I am going to work hard to keep updating. 

Even though I have already been here for two weeks now I feel like I am still adjusting to my new life here. This may be my third visit to this town, but living on your own (as wazungu) in Kenya is nothing like living in a homestay. There isn’t six other volunteers living with me, and there isn’t a host-mum to cook and explain things I don’t understand. I know that soon I will have quite a few updates about my life-style here and hopefully a photo tour of my home.

The Faraja kids had a church camp kind of event that they attended most days this week and will return to school for the new term on the sixth of May. They are all doing really well, happier and healthier than I have ever seen them.   They are such a great bunch and I am consistently reminded how blessed I have been to have them in my life.

I am also going to be doing more work with Living Positive Kenya this time around. Ben is returning to the states next week to begin fundraising for a new class for the daycare center and we will also be looking for sponsors for a few children of the women in the support group soon.

As always please stayed tuned for the latest updates on our projects and my crazy Kenyan life, and don’t forget to check out the LEI website for updates as well.

If anyone has any interesting blog ideas or questions about anything I do here please feel free to email me at I’ve tried to stop blogging before, but everyone protested, so help me out! What do you want to know?
And last but not least… let’s not forget that I have a PO Box and am eagerly awaiting mail from anyone/everyone. Have you sent that letter yet?

Portia Duke
PO BOX 1069-00208
Ngong Hills, Kenya

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