Friday, February 11, 2011


Yesterday before work I dropped by Half Price Books real quickly to see if they had a book I've been looking for, and while I was there I decided I might as well man up and ask about donations. The gentleman I talked to was quite nice, and he told me that I would need to speak to the GM on Tuesday to get an answer. I left feeling positive and have been waiting patiently for Tuesday to come.

Lo and behold I had a voicemail when I got out of work today from James (the nice manager man) saying he already talked with his boss and they would be happy to supply me with some children's books for the trip.

I am very pleased, that was so simple! I have been talking to a couple people from different places in Kenya, and I am confident that, even if my placement doesn't need them, they will go to great use somewhere.

Now, to figure out a way to transport a batch of books across the world...

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