Friday, February 25, 2011

Two Weeks

Oh my goodness, two weeks left to go. It's finally starting to sink in (very very slowly). I am so excited and so nervous. Today I got a call from HPB today saying that my donations are ready. I'm excited to go pick them up tomorrow. Also, I have a bit of my own supplies to donate. I hope that goes over well! I still have a ton of little things to do and not a lot of time to do them. I have Monday off and I need to take care of my taxes since those will be due while I am gone. Also on Monday I am having a mini Going-Away-Girls-Date with some co-workers, since I haven't gotten to spend time with them lately.

On that note I would like to confess a fear of mine. I am going on this adventure alone. Solo. Just me, myself, and I. That is terrifying. I've never traveled more than a state away by myself, let alone to a whole new continent. I am independent enough to take care of myself, but I have a tendency to get pretty lonely pretty easily. I am socially dependent something awful. Besides the fact that I'll have to navigate three airports in one day, I'll also have to entertain myself on 9+ hour flights. I am stressed about being away from my friends for so long (esp. since many of them are so new). Kinda like when a mommy and daddy have a new baby, and the older kid fears that they will be pushed to the wayside; I fear that when I get back I'll be so out of the loop it'll be impossible to get back into the groove, so to speak. This, of course, is not true and is a typical Portia thing to worry about. I know once I arrive in Kenya there will be plenty of people to socialize with and I am sure it'll be easy to make friends, it's all just so stressful to think about right now.

In reality however, this is all one of the biggest incentives of the trip. I need to learn to be more independent, and happy with being alone; content to sit and relax with my own thoughts rather than the constant distraction of text message after text message and needing company to be comfortable. I think that, even if I haven't mastered this concept, by the time I return to DFW I will have gained a new appreciation for Portia-Time.

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