Monday, February 7, 2011

Preparation & Plane Tickets

Tada! A travel blog, not likely to be maintained. But hey, it's the thought that counts. I leave in just over a month and I suddenly feel like I have a ton to accomplish. The major To-Dos have been taken care of, (with much deliberation I might add, as far as the plane ticket goes) however now I'm down to the monotonous tasks that tend to make me more anxious than anything else.

Tomorrow's List:
  • Write and turn in my request for a leave of absence
  • Make final payments to IVHQ
  • Email volunteer coordinator with updated travel plans
  • (Hopefully) purchase traveler's insurance

There is plenty more to be done, but that is a start. I am also hoping to gather some donations from a few places around town. That, seems a daunting (yet honorable) quest all in it's own.

Aye! So much to do and so little time.

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