Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Tonight we had a movie night with the Faraja kiddos. We brought tons of popcorn, cheese puffs and biscuits, all of the best movie fare. We popped in The Incredibles and the kids were hooked. They clamored over each other to get  a handful of snacks. It was so good to see all the kids in the living room at once. When ever something crazy appeared on the TV they would turn to each other and babble in Swahili as faster than I knew possible before refocusing their attention.  Whenever a funny bit came on the movie the room would erupt in laughter and it was a really wonderful sound. I love the way the kids take care of their siblings, and it was almost too sweet to bear when the babies crawled into the laps of the older kids and passed out before the movie was over. When we finally decided to leave the older boys deemed it too dangerous for a group of wazungu to walk home on their own and elected to escort us home. They are really a remarkable group of kids and I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with them. 

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