Wednesday, August 22, 2012


It's official folks! My flight has been changed. I am grounded in Kenya until October 22, taking my supposed two month stay in Kenya to a nearly fourth month stay. Originally I had wanted to stay for three months, but since my lease is up in September that seemed like an unreasonable idea (and it might still be). However, when my trip started going so well and I saw my departure creeping up on me I started joking about just not leaving Kenya any time soon. Well, joking for a week turned into me thinking about it seriously, turned into me asking friends to help me handle my stateside affairs, turned into me doubling my second stay in Kenya. I am simply just not ready to leave yet, I feel like I am finally starting to be very productive at work, and growing to a very comfortable spot in the community. I am nervous about coming home broke and homeless, but honestly I could not be more excited.

On another note, I feel like I have really let some people (and myself) down by not blogging as often as I did during my first trip. Even while I am having the time of my life in Kenya, it has been hard to find the motivation to blog. I feel like many people get the impression that everyday is a big adventure here, and that could not be farther from the truth. I wake up and go to work. Then I come home have drinks at the local pub with friends, eat dinner, and hit the sack. My Kenyan life is really quite average.

That being said I think it is important for me to do better with my blogging, and considering I have exactly two months from today left I plan to post a photo a day until I leave. I feel like this will help people see what my day to day life is like, and also motivate me to write more often. Other than blogging, I hope to start taking my work at the orphanage more seriously, and also studying up on my Swahili each day. I have a feeling the next two months are going to be extremely rewarding and I am ready to get started!

In conclusion, I would like to post my first picture of this series, a picture of my home in Kenya.

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