Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Things have been going really well at Faraja this week. The kids are out of school and it has been so nice to get to spend extra time with them. Everyday they seem to amaze me more. Since Ben (from LEI) got here last week we have been doing quite a lot of planning and we have quite a list of things we are hoping to work on in the upcoming months. At the moment my main focus is preparing updated profiles on all of the children as well as taking some cohesive head shots in order to work with LEI on starting a sponsorship program for the children.  I am really excited about doing this because it will help me get to know each child a little more personally. We are also hoping to paint Faraja soon and make a small covered area so when it rains the outside kitchen is not effected. These are just a few of the things we are working on, and I can't wait to really get the ball rolling. I am in also planning a small field day type get together for the kids that I would like to take place before I leave. I know this was a short update so I will make it up to you in photos.




The boy's grasshopper farm

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