Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I know I have not updated in a while. So for that I give you an exceptionally cute photo today. 
The baby class of the LP Daycare.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Today my good friend Tash taught me to ride a pikipiki. I am kind of skiddish and panicked every time I drove over a rock, but all in all it was fairly easy. He says with two more lessons I should be road ready. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

This is Sawa Sawa. My very favorite place to eat in Ngong. It is tiny, over packed, and so smoky I can hardly breath when I sit inside. The waitstaff speaks little to no English and when you place your order the waitress turns and yells it at the 'kitchen' and moves on to the next person. A plate of food costs me about fourty cents, and the make some of the best beans and lentils I have ever had.

Friday, September 14, 2012

To be honest, I have slacked for the last two days. I have no picture worth sharing for yesterday or today. I will make it up with an awesome picture tomorrow.

Pole sana.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sorry for the lack of update yesterday, Ana and I had to go Nairobi to renew our visas and apply as aliens in Kenya. After returning to Ngong I was exhausted and thus did not update.

The matatu stand next to my home. The absolute definition of chaos, also one of  my favorite parts of Kenya.  No photo could ever do this justice. 

A rainbow over Ngong

Monday, September 10, 2012


This doesn't apply to Kenya much, but it's a huge part of my life. Today is my wonderful boyfriend's birthday. And this is us during our Birthday Skype Date.


Sunday, September 9, 2012

A little cutie I found practicing his motorbike skills

I really enjoy this song, and I feel like the video is filmed quite nicely as well.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Support HIV+ Women with Style


Some of the styles of bags available. 

Pants/shorts/skirts also available.

Some of the fabrics you can choose from.

Here is some of the merchandise available by the Living Positive Center. It is really one of the best NGOs I have ever come across and since returning to Kenya I am really happy to see the progress the center has made in the last year. I will happily get more into detail on the organization on another day, but for now please consider buying a reasonably priced crossbody bag or a super cute beach tote. If you are feeling adventurous you can even get some PJ pants or a skirt made. Feel free to let us know what colors you would like for your product and, my posh roommate (Ana) and I will be happy to choose a nice fabric for your purchase and I will deliver the product upon my return home. 

Large Bag: $18
Medium Bag: $15
Small Bag:$12

Pants/Skirts/Shorts: TBD

Friday, September 7, 2012


There is a few things I would like to note about this photo;
-The burning of the tire (healthy, right?)
-The children playing in the fire (super healthy, yes?)
-The Mathare slum,  located directly behind my home.
-The garbage pile from which many people in the slum make their living.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

These Kids

Anne Chemtai

As I write this post and edit these photos I am becoming increasingly emotional. I have not even gotten to the point of the profiles where I have to return to the children's files and read their stories again, and I am choked up. These kids... they are incredible.

Each one has such a big personality and such an overwhelming story, yet most of them are not even in the double digits.They are already so strong and so smart. Every day these kids find a new way to fascinate me. I am so lucky to get the opportunity to spend my time with them.

Each time David comes over for a quick snuggle and I hear Nancy's giggle my heart absolutely melts. When Chemtai continually proves how much smarter than me she is, I become even more grateful for Obahdiah's patience in teaching me new things and Ian's forgiving nature when I have asked the same question 20 times.  And when Timo's constant mischievousness becomes too much for me it hardly matters, because Pheobe's laid back attitude will calm me down in no time. When I see Ogwambo in the garden I know it is being well taken care of, and if Jackie is in the kitchen you better believe I will be having some of whatever she is whipping up. I love listening to Kepha tell me allllllll about his day in Swahili and then expecting a response (other than sawa sawa), and Ester's sassy remarks bring a smile to my face even when they are at my expense. Watching Teresia flit around as tiny and nimble as a fairy and seeing Angela constantly mothering the young ones fills me with joy and when Rogers walks all the way across the compound to greet me every time I arrive he makes me feel like the most important person alive.When I catch Dominque giving the other kids driving lessons I know it's probably not the best idea, but who am I to ruin the fun of these kids? They have been dealt a hand I wouldn't wish on anyone and without hesitation they continue to thrive. These kids persevere no matter what life throws at them. They are the brightest, silliest, and most complex group of children I could imagine. They test my tolerance, they inspire me, and they make me laugh daily. I am so happy to know them.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


This is actually quite a dated picture. But these are some of my most infamous roommates. From left to right; me, Sophie, Iman, and Ana. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Cows grazing in front of Ngong Township, where the Faraja attend school Monday through Friday. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Today was really beautiful. We went to Savannah and sat in the shade with a view for miles and miles. A lovely way to enjoy my Sunday morning. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Turns out after I got home last night I was far too tired to update my blog, but fear not, here is your picture. This was taken from the back of a pikipiki (motorbike) on my way home from town. I have said it time and time again that my favorite part of Kenya is the public transportation. Anywhere you can hop on the back of a motorcycle and get a ride to town is an alright place by me. In this photo you can see that we were off roading a bit, which my driver decided was the best way to skip traffic. I much preferred this option to the driving between lanes of oncoming traffic that we had been doing shortly before.


This is what we have deemed the "sketchy alleyway" behind our apartment. It's filled with goats, drunks, and glue addicts who yell the most random things possible each time you walk to the road.  In my greener Kenyan days I would hesitate to walk down the alley past dusk, however as skeevy as it originally seemed I have grown accustomed to the alley and the people who hang out there.