Saturday, September 1, 2012


Turns out after I got home last night I was far too tired to update my blog, but fear not, here is your picture. This was taken from the back of a pikipiki (motorbike) on my way home from town. I have said it time and time again that my favorite part of Kenya is the public transportation. Anywhere you can hop on the back of a motorcycle and get a ride to town is an alright place by me. In this photo you can see that we were off roading a bit, which my driver decided was the best way to skip traffic. I much preferred this option to the driving between lanes of oncoming traffic that we had been doing shortly before.


This is what we have deemed the "sketchy alleyway" behind our apartment. It's filled with goats, drunks, and glue addicts who yell the most random things possible each time you walk to the road.  In my greener Kenyan days I would hesitate to walk down the alley past dusk, however as skeevy as it originally seemed I have grown accustomed to the alley and the people who hang out there. 

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