Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Crazy Beautiful

This week has been quite nice so far. Very productive while also allowing for time to relax. Since last time I posted I have got underway with some big things at Faraja (more on this later) and have got a chance to meet some really lovely people. I was lucky enough to sit down with Omari (Moraa's son), as well as Ian (our awesome Kenyan volunteer) Simon (one of Liana's associates with LEI) and Liana as well to discuss some of our goals at Faraja and it was such a rewarding experience. All of these people are so intelligent and   are all really great resources for Faraja. Just sitting and listening to their thoughts on Kenya and the home and movies and anything you can imagine is something I could do tirelessly.

Aside from Faraja work this week has been pretty plain, but the nice kind of plain where you don't feel like anything is missing. That is one of the things I love most about this place; I never feel that I am lacking. All it takes for me to feel refreshed around here is just one step out of the door way and I am filled with wonder and curiosity.

The weather has been chilly and dull this week and I am enjoying being able to sit outside with a hot cup of coffee and just enjoy the company I am in. Speaking of great company, I was invited to Simon's house for dinner this evening along with Liana and Andy and it was beautiful! Having only just met Simon a few days ago I was not quite sure what to expect, but I am trying hard to live up to my goal of being a more social person, so I accepted. We took a bus to his home in a part of Nairobi I have never seen before and as soon as his wife opened to door to welcome us we were surrounded by the smell of the delicious meal she was preparing. While she continued cooking I was introduced to his precious daughter and twin baby boys, and we talked about Faraja and about some differences in America and Kenya.

Once dinner was ready Grace placed everything on the table and told us to help ourselves. My mouth quickly started watering when I realized that she had prepared one of my absolute favorite Kenyan meals: chapati and lentils. Needless to say the rumors of Grace's phenomenal cooking did not disappoint. The evening was very nice and I think it was a really lovely representation of Kenyan hospitality. To make things better I will be going camping with all of my roommates at a campsite that Simon owns tomorrow evening as a last hoorah before Liana and Andy head back home to the western world.

Unrelatedly, on our way to the Bomas of Kenya the other day we had to walk through a troop of baboons. They were just moseying across the road obviously indifferent to our presence. Ana and I were slightly concerned but we hurried through them and walked into the gates before being greeted by a couple of warthogs which lackadaisically crossed our path... these are the kinds of things that are not so out of the ordinary here in Kenya that makes me love it so much.

Alright, I know this post has been sporadic but I am tired so please do forgive me. Time for rest, I feel I am in for a long day tomorrow!!


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