Sunday, July 1, 2012

Happy To Be Back

    I have been in Kenya for about two days now and thus far everything has gone swimmingly. I honestly don't have a whole lot to say at the moment, so please excuse the short post. At the airport I met up with two other volunteers who went to school together in the US and  will be staying in Massailand for the next month. Jordan, Mike, and I all ended up coming to Ngong from the airport because the volunteer house in Nairobi was full. That is really nice for me beacuse it means I won't have to move again after orientation.
On Saturday the three of us went to lunch at Junction and walked around Nairobi. We didn't have any big plans, we really just spent the day checking the area out and hanging out. Mike and Jordan are a lot of fun and I am happy that I had them to spend the last couple days with.

    We have done pretty much the exact same thing today, to be honest, but tomorrow that all changes. We have orientation at 8am and from there Jordan and Mike will head to Massailand and we will all meet the rest of the volunteers. I am excited to meet some new people and get back to Faraja.

    Again, I reiterate, really not much to report at the time, but I can assure you that once I get back to working and into a schedule of things I will be full up on blog posts.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Portia we miss you here by the way but hope you are having fun/ making a difference. But I have world connect on my phone so it's 88 cents a min to call you if you would like to talk or you could Skype me or Nicole but have fun
