Saturday, March 12, 2011

2 Flights Down, 1 To Go

I'm not much for eloquent words right now. My head is kinda spinny, I'm surrounded by every nationality but my own (not that I'm complaining, just makes things a bit disorienting.) Oh, perhaps it would be pertinent to tell you I am sitting at my gate in the Amsterdam airport as I type this.

Everything has gone splendidly today. I woke up, not too stressed or worried. Mostly just wanting some coffee. My family dropped me off at DFW, got some breakfast, flew to Minneapolis, got some lunch, flew here, and well... tried to get some food. I'm not sure if it would be considered breakfast (it's nearly 8am here) or lunch. Regardless, I didn't eat much of it.

Anyway, all is well. I should be in Kenya by night fall.

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