Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Joining the Club!

It happened! Way too early in the game I must admit. I was pick-pocketed last night (calm down mom!). I'm fine. My stuff is, thankfully, fine. Here's what happened:

Well, I suppose it might help to say I completely jinxed myself. Yesterday afternoon I was talking to a friend back home and explaining that living in Kenya is worrisome at times, and that's what makes it nice. The risk of danger/theft makes you more alert and I finally feel like I'm actually living. It's certainly not politically correct, squishy, happy America.

So... The four of us had planned to do karaoke, on Tuesday, all weekend. The power had been out all day so we got ready in the dark, and then shortly before leaving it came back on. So, of course, we (the girls) did a few last minute touch ups, causing us to leave when the sun was just setting. Mind you, this is not a dangerous time... well anymore dangerous than most daylight hours at least. The problem with this time of day is that it's rush hour, both on foot and in vehicles here in Kenya. Tons of people walking past you and gone before you can blink an eye. Makes for easy pick-pocketing. However, I'm too smart for that and got on our bus to town without complications. Upon sitting on the bus next to Abi I spotted the front seats were open. You know me... I'm easily amused. So I asked Abi to come sit in the front seat with me. As we moved to the front I sat in the seat next to the window and the rest of our crew (Ben, Nikki, and Naomi's nephew Issac) moved with us. While waiting for the bus to fill and take off I felt something grab my leg. I turned just in time to see a man's arm reaching through the bus window, swiping his hand across my leg, pull his arm out of the window and quickly walk away. It happened so fast, and I didn't really see much, so I just thought it was really odd. I turned to Abi and Nikki and told them what happened and we concluded that it was really strange, but just one of a thousand “this is Africa” moments. Shortly later I reached in my pocket to send a text to my best friend about what had just happened... the rest of the story is pretty simple. I patted down all my pockets and had a giant “DUH” moment. Of course the man had taken my phone, it must have slipped out of my pocket when I sat down, making it visible through the window.

I'm relieved that only my phone was stolen. It could have been a lot worse. I know few people here who have not been pick-pocketed. When I nice looking man walked up to my roommate and asked her to pick up the change he dropped on the ground, she was robbed of her wallet (debit cards, money, ids, ect). My other roommate got his passport stolen and is kinda stranded here in Kenya. The schemes are endless; “Quick! Police! Put on your seat-belt” someone will yell, then while you're distracted they'll relieve you of your Ipod, camera, wallet, $20 phone, anything really. Their job is to steal, and they are damn good at it. If you're not sitting in the middle seat (easy target) on a matatu they'll claim they are going to vomit and need to sit next to the window, forcing you to move to the most vulnerable seat on the ride. Thankfully we've been given prior knowledge to the majority of these tricks, but that certainly doesn't stop people from trying. I never carry all my money on me at once, never carry my debit card on me unless absolutely necessary, and haven't taken my passport out once. I'm generally very cautious of my surroundings and now that I've joined the club I hope I will be more careful in the future.

Another problem with pick-pockets in Kenya is that it's really hard to do anything about it. The police couldn't possibly care less, and often times the crooks will turns things on you. And sure, you can tell a local that's nearby or scream at the thief. But there is a 50/50 chance that vigilant justice will take over and the perpetrator will be beat to death before anyone can stop the madness. As you can imagine it's generally easier to just let go of your belongings rather than play Russian Roulette with someone else's life over replaceable goods.

So for those of you interested my NEW Kenyan number is: 0787211167. I don't advise calling me for any reason really, the charges are absurd. If you need to get in contact with me text me and ask me to call you, though I will warn you that some charges may apply. For the people waiting on my address: I'm working on it! The places here don't actually have addresses. It's kinda like this; Ngong Road on the corner after you turn left at the gas station. Not quite the kinda thing you wanna write on a post card. I know it's possible to send donations to the Fadaili office however I haven't been able to get in touch with them for the last few days and I promise to call again today.


  1. Its a good thing he didn't steal the many meat balls you've recently sampled. Bull balls, Ostrich balls, lots of balls. And soccer, which utilizes a ballI'm done.

    Scream "Rape!" next time and smile when he gets pelted. Nah, don't really do that. Actually, yeah, do it, but just once.

  2. I AM calm!
    No big deal,my daughter just got her property stolen.
    Thank God it was the phone you bought at the Makuta,(sp?)(or what was their word for their version of Wal-Mart??)and not the real one.And trusting in God to keep YOU safe.Material things are replaceable.
    I've already said it a jillion times..don't trust anyone.But too,don't be naive.Like you said,there many scams and scam artists,they can recognize an American and immediately begin to figure out how to get something from them.
    It may seem funny,and some may not be out to REALLY hurt you Americans,but you never know about EVERYONE there.Just stay aware at all times,that is all I ask.
    Is it Ben who doesn't have his VISA? Uh oh..
    Love you.Don't mean to be so serious,but I AM the mom,and I HAVE TO say it!! LOL!!
    Be careful!!I mean it!! LOL!!

  3. Dear, at least it was only the cell phone! I'm glad you're okay. It's good to be able to read your posts and know you are safe and well. :) <3 Missing you forever!!
