Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pivot Point Free Till May

Saltgrass Steakhouse; it is the epitome of a love-hate relationship. Kind of like your annoying little sister, you want to strangle her whenever she is around but as soon as she's gone you wish she was there.

Today was my last day at work for the next six weeks. I held it together pretty well, but to be honest I'm gonna miss that place and those people more than I let on. Everyone there (as much as they pick on me) seems to be really supportive, and I know there is a couple girls who would like to have the same opportunity someday. It was nice to leave with their well-wishings, and gave me a little more confidence in myself since mine own seems to be waning in these last few days. And, potentially most importantly, a lovely girl named Tanya brought me cupcakes... with sprinkles. How nice is that?!

It's certainly not the best job in the world, but the people I've met there have, without a doubt, changed my life. I've been there for one year as of this month, and looking back to the person I was when I started and the person I am now is mind boggling. And, let's face it, had I not had this job there is no way this trip would have been possible. I can't think of any other job I'd rather endure 60 hour work weeks at, or for that matter any other cause.

So, goodbye SGFC, until Mayish. You will be missed.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I was their to give you a big hug. keep in touch with all of us as much as you can. ok
