Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I am a compulsive list maker. I make lists about making lists. My to-do lists have everything on them, from 'sleep' to 'wake up' 'do laundry' to 'make new to-do list.' It's a pretty strange habit that I think I inherited from my mother (she is a compulsive sticky-note user, though the same concept still applies).
Anyway, I make lists... for everything. In the last week I have made more lists than I could ever fathom all because of this trip. Things to do, things to buy, things to pack, things to worry about, things to be excited about... a plethora of things.

Then, I found this site. Which allows you to customize your packing list for the duration/location/activities of your personal trip. It's all pretty generic, but it has tons of little things from experienced travelers that I would have never thought of on my own. Plus it's nice not to have to compile the list myself once in a while.

1 comment:

  1. Compulsive sticky note user..yup that would be me.LOL!!!!
