Friday, March 11, 2011

Here We Go

I would like to start off by saying that while I may not be able to play Tetris to save my life, I can pack a suitcase like no one's business.

On a more serious note, I leave tomorrow morning at 9:55am! I have a layover in Minneapolis and one in Amsterdam. I should be arriving in Nairobi at 8:30pm on Sunday. I still cannot believe it. I have wanted to go to Africa (Kenya specifically) for as long as I can remember. I've always assumed that my dream of going to work in an orphanage was just that... a dream.

People ask me how I made this happen, and I really don't really have a solid answer. The best I've got is this: I wanted it. I worked my ass off, and thought of nearly nothing else for months. I stopped saying "someday I'm going to go to Kenya," and instead said "I'm going to Kenya, ASAP." Four months later, innumerable hours of work (and plenty more spent daydreaming), a couple emails, and I'm on my way.

I've researched this off and on for years, but none of that could prepare me for the way I feel right now. My brain is going ninety to nothing trying to make sure everything is packed and that I've made all the right preparations. Realistically though, I'm passed that point. I am doing my best to proceed with open eyes and without expectations. I am as ready as I ever will be.

So, here goes nothing...

1 comment:

  1. Ooohhh..
    Emotions everywhere!
    As for "how did you do this",I've got to chime in with you did do ALOT!,but I can't help but think God was in there somewhere,orchestrating and moving along the plan to help you fulfill that dream.
    Love you!
    Those kids are gonna love you!! They will be blessed to get to know Portia.
    Shine on Portia!!
