Saturday, March 5, 2011

One week to go and accidently packed.

One week to go. Yikes. This week I accomplished more or less nothing... up until about an hour ago that is.

For a while I have been setting things for my trip aside as I came across them; some bug spray, a couple pair of old shoes to give to a child who needs them, playing cards, medicines, ect. Well, my Portia-esque 2am productivity kicked in and I thought to myself that I should go ahead and put those things into my suitcase, so that they don't get misplaced. An hour later, here I sit, very nearly packed. I'm not sure what happened. I just started tossing things into the suitcase and before I knew it I was like, "okay! done!" I still have some stuff to pick up at the store, and I guarantee that suitcase will be unpacked and repacked about once a day till I leave. But for the most part I'm set.

The number one bit of advice I have received since I started 'studying' for this adventure was NOT to over-pack. My goodness, I am a stress-aholic, 20 year old female, going alone to a developing country, for a month and a half... don't over-pack? You're kidding me, right? That seems impossible. However, when it comes down to it trying to pack 'the perfect suitcase' will drive me absolutely mad. I'll worry that I forgot something, that whatever I packed is insufficient, that I should have brought more long sleeved clothes... the list is never ending. So for once, I think I'm just going to skip the worry and assume that whatever I leave my house with will workout, and if not I'll pick things up along the way.

I am torn between wanting time to speed up and slow down. I have a lot left to do this week, however since my last day of work is on Tuesday I should have plenty of time to get everything done. Kila la kheri, (good luck) to me. :)

1 comment:

  1. I love you Sis. I admire you for bein you. Wouldn't want you any other way.
