Monday, March 21, 2011

Not For Vegitarians

Just a quick post before I go back to work today.

Last night some friends and I went to Carnivore in Nairobi. It's basically the Kenyan version of Texas De Brazil. All you can eat meat. Our meal started off with some minestrone soup and drinks. I ordered a cocktail called a Dawa that I've been waiting to try for ages. The Dawa is a Kenyan specialty made table side with vodka, honey, lime and sugar cane. It was pretty strong but not too bad. After soup came the main courses. Meat. We started out with some lamb, pork, turkey, beef, and bull balls. Then we got to the real treat of the meal, the exotic meats. We sampled camel, crocodile, and ostrictch meatballs. I tried everything, but the ostritch meatballs were my favorite (everyone else agrees). We absolutely stuffed ourselves. Then for desert I had cheesecake (I've been craving some SGFC!). To make the chzcake a little more adventurous and local they topped it with a passion fruit sauce which was lovely. In the end my bill was about 3,500 shillings and my tummy was quite satisfied.

Our trip home was a nightmare!! First off our driver had no idea he had to drive us all the way to Ngong even though we told him repeatedly. Then... we ran out of gas at a petrol station. He was baffled that he could get gas from the closed station we stopped at and decided the best idea was to lock two young mzungo girls in the car and walk away. He left us in the car alone for about 20 minutes while he went to go search for gas (mind you he didn't inform us that he was leaving). There were people just standing outside the car staring at us like dogs in a cage. It was pretty scary (considering we've been warned to stay off the streets at night a thousand times). Oh well... this is Africa. You go with the flow and hope for the best. Eventually he came back on a motorbike with some gas and put enough in the tank to get us to Ngong.

This morning Abi and I walked to town to barter over some chicken feed then we cooked Ugi (flour and water porrige) for the first time mostly by ourselves and the kids who came home from lunch even said it was good. Go us! I tried to eat it but I really couldn't it was awful to be honest. I came to town to grab a bite and post a blog real quick, but now it's time to go back to Faraja. This week I'm going to focus on getting to know the kids and making sure they are comfortable around me so that I can make the most of my time with them. I'm thinking about organizing a soccer game on Friday! Hope it goes well.

I should have a pretty good post up sometime this week that gives a better look at Kenyan lifestyle. See ya then!

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